Saturday 22 December 2012

Daily Yoga for Abs

When it comes to getting the perfect body, no workout technique is more effective than yoga.

While it can be used to achieve ideal health, yoga can also aid in sculpting the abs perfectly. Here are some yoga postures to help you achieve the perfect body you dream of. All you need is a yoga mat to get you started.

1. Hand and Knees Balance
The following posture tests core strengths, builds muscular mass, improves balance while building your abs at the same time.

a. Step One
Rest your body on all fours, with your hands placed directly under your shoulders and your knees resting directly underneath your hips.
b. Step Two

Extend your right leg out and keep it straight on the floor.
c. Step Three

Lift your right leg to the same height as your hips. Keep them in the same alignment as before.
d. Step Four

Lift your left arm to the shoulder level and keep it outstretched.
e. Step Five

Balance your body weight on the right arm and left leg and keep your spine straight. Hold this position for 10 counts.
f. Step Six

Exhale as you return to your starting position. Rest for 5 counts and repeat the posture with the other leg.

2. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
This posture is great for building resistance in the abdominal muscles, along with strengthening the spine.

a. Step One
Rest your body on all fours, with your hands underneath your shoulders and knees aligned under the hips.
b. Step Two

Keep your hands and feet on the ground and push your hips outward, keeping your feet straight.
c. Step Three

Balance your weight on the forearms and fingers and keep your head hung low.
d. Step Four

Balance your weight in such a way that the bulk is removed from the arms, thereby reducing muscular strain.
e. Step Five

Keep your legs as straight as possible and your heels flat on the floor.
f. Step Six

Exhale as you relax your posture and gradually sink to your starting position. Rest for 5 counts and repeat.

3. Plank Pose (Vashisthasana)
This yoga posture can be continued from the Downward-Facing Dog pose discussed earlier. This enhances resistance in the abdominal muscles and also improves the strength in the arms and shoulders.

a. Step One
Having assumed the Downward Facing Dog Pose, adjust your body weight such that your arms are directly below your shoulders.
b. Step Two

Lower your hips till your torso is in a straight line with the legs.
c. Step Three

Distribute the weight among your toes and hands such that you can comfortably rest in this position without straining your limbs.
d. Step Four

Keep your neck in the same line with the rest of your body and hold this position for 10 counts.
e. Step Five

Exhale and relax your posture gradually to lie on your stomach, on the mat.

4. The Boat Pose (Navasana)
This posture is excellent in building abdominal core strengths and creating greater muscular resistance among the legs, hamstrings and spine.
a. Step One
Sit on the floor with your spine straight, your legs parted and outstretched in front of you.
b. Step Two

Gradually bring the legs up to a 45 degree angle keeping them straight at the joints, all the way.
c. Step Three

Let the torso fall back as you raise your legs, but take care not to bend your spine. The resultant position will be a ‘V’ shape.
d. Step Four

Stretch your arms out in a straight line in front of you, perfectly aligned with the shoulders.
e. Step Five

Balance your weight on your pelvic bones for as long as you can. Try your best not to let the assumed position collapse. Hold this posture for 10 counts, while you inhale and exhale at an optimum pace.
f. Step Six

Exhale as you gradually lower your hands and feet on the ground, letting your torso relax. Rest for 5 counts and repeat.

5. Hand to Foot Pose (Padahastasana)
This posture renders spinal flexibility and muscular strength along with incredible abdominal toning.

a. Step One
Stand straight with your arms touching your ears and stretched outward.
b. Step Two

As you inhale, gradually lower your torso and hands, to touch your toes. Take care not to bend your feet or knees during this process. Keep your legs straight and distribute the body weight over the balls of your feet.
c. Step Three

Bend as low as you can, in your attempt to touch the toes. The ideal position would have your palm flat against the floor and your torso as low as possible.
d. Step Four

Lower your head as close to the knees as possible.
e. Step Five

Exhale as you release your muscular grip and gradually rise to your starting position. Lower your hands to the sides of your body and relax for 5 counts before you begin again. The key to master this posture is in holding the position for as long as you can. You can initially retain this position for a few counts and gradually work up the duration to a minute.

6. Half-Wheel Pose (Ardha Chakrasana)
This posture is extremely helpful in completely stretching the abdominal and spinal muscles and can be performed as the great precursor to the Hand-to-Foot Pose.

a. Step One
Stand straight on the mat, with your arms extended above your head.
b. Step Two

While inhaling deeply, gradually bend backwards with your arms still outstretched and you fingers interlocked.
c. Step Three

As you feel the tension in your ribs, bend as far backwards as possible forming an arch with your spine.
d. Step Four

Hold this position for 5 counts and return to your starting position.
e. Step Five

Once you are back to your starting position, lower your arms and let your body relax. Rest for 10 counts and repeat.
By performing the suggested postures regularly, you will be able to have the physique you’ve always dreamed of.

Source: Yahoo!

Saturday 15 December 2012

Drop a dress size without dieting

Top tips to tone up and lose the fat

Dieting may be a short-term fix to dropping a dress size but it will prove unsustainable in the long-term. Instead, why not drop a dress size through exercise and not dieting?

Does this sound at all familiar? You’ve tried lots of different diets but in the end, they’ve all failed. Now you feel frustrated and you wonder if you’ll ever fit into that dress from several years ago. Well, help is at hand because the basic fact is that diets don’t work. Embarking on a diet to lose weight typically follows the pattern below:
  • Initial successful weight loss when the diet starts
  • A plateau where your weight stays the same
  • It becomes harder and harder to lose weight
  • The diet is abandoned
  • The weight is rapidly regained
  • A further weight increase occurs
Calorie counting forever is not sustainable, either for dieting goals or good health but if the diet is dead, how do you drop a dress size without dieting? The solution is to gradually introduce a structured regime of exercise that burns calories, makes maintaining a healthy weight easy and also tones up problem areas.

Super six toning areas

The 'Drop a dress size without dieting' plan focuses on training six key problem areas. By toning the ‘Super six’, specific muscles will become firmer and everything will be ‘pulled in’, resulting in an all-round leaner physique.

Super six toning areas

  • Stomach
  • Obliques
  • Thighs
  • Bottom
  • Underside of upper arms
  • Core
To target the super six, complete the following exercises:

Drop a dress size exercise 1: Stomach exercises

Upper stomach muscles: Sit-ups and crunches
Lower stomach muscles: V-sits and leg extensions

Drop a dress size exercise 2: Obliques (Sides of the abdomen)

Oblique crunches on a stability ball

Drop a dress size exercises 3 & 4: Thighs and bottom exercises

Any aerobic activity such as cycling, walking, jogging, running, rowing etc, which uses the legs.

Drop a dress size exercise 5: Underside of upper arms

Any triceps exercise, for example:
  • Tricep dips
  • Tricep extensions
  • Tricep kickbacks

Drop a dress size exercise 6: Core exercises

Core exercises train your inner postural muscles. These muscles aren’t visible but are fundamental to holding you in and keeping you upright.

Drop a dress size exercise 7: Good core exercises include

  • The plank
  • Sitting on a stability ball
  • Stability ball floor bridge
When targeting specific areas, it is extremely important not to neglect the opposing muscle and ensure that the body remains in postural balance at all times.
Example 1: If the triceps are being exercised to tone up the upper arms, exercises for the biceps muscles should be included.
Example 2: If stomach exercises are carried out, back extensions for the lower back should also be completed.

Drop a dress size, question 1: Bulking up through exercise?

Many women focus solely on cardiovascular exercise (working the heart and lungs) because they are concerned that if they start weight-training, they will bulk up their muscles. Women are not naturally predisposed to building large muscles and will find it virtually impossible to develop anything remotely like a muscular physique. What training with weights will achieve, will be a lean, toned, slim body, with additional spin-off benefits including:
  • Increased calorie burn 24 hours a day due to the higher ‘energy cost’ of toned muscles compared with body-fat.
  • Reduced risk of osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) as the skeleton is strengthened when resistance training is carried out.

Drop a dress size, question 2: How often should I train?

To optimally tone muscles, training for a minimum of two sessions per week is necessary. After 72 hours, the physiological improvements that occur following a training session begin to ebb away, so a single weekly session reduces training gains. However, by completing two sessions per week, (with a suitable rest period in between sessions), you ensure that improvements are maintained. It is also important to note that training for seven sessions per week will not produce seven-fold improvements. Rest is the key ingredient in any training programme and it is vital to allow time for the body to recover following training. A minimum of one day’s rest between sessions is necessary to facilitate recovery and the rebuilding that occurs after training. If rest is omitted, fatigue and over-training can occur, resulting in reduced gains because the body is still tired from the previous session.

Drop a dress size, question 3: How many times should I complete an exercise?

Frequently, advice is given that to tone up muscles, lots of repetitions with light weights are necessary. This advice is suitable for basic maintenance but to reactivate dormant muscles, challenging the body with fewer repetitions using a higher weight will bring about quicker and more improved results.

Resistance exercises (triceps, obliques and stomach)

Build up to completing three sets of 12 repetitions, with a 60 second recovery between sets.

Core exercises

Build up to holding each exercise for 60 seconds.

Cardiovascular exercises

Build up to completing three, 20 minute sessions each week.

The end results of dropping a dress size without dieting

Simply by carrying out the specific exercises outlined above, within six weeks, you will notice that your body has become noticeably leaner and firmer. Additionally, you will have broken out of the yo-yo diet syndrome and by sticking to your new-found healthy regime, you will see your dress size falling instead of rising!

Source: realbuzz